Gold Star Girl

I always thought I was a Skyline girl. I still stop by for a three-way whenever I’m in town.

And unless you’re from Cincinnati, you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Or your mind is still rolling around in the gutter.  Not to mention, you are seriously confused about what any of the above might possibly have to do with my usual blog topics.

Emily, a.k.a WilowRaven over at Red House Books, has been hosting the quarterly NetGalley Month Read-a-thons for the past, well, lo these many moons and she has apparently gone whole hog and decided to host a 2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge.

The 2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge has levels. In this particular case, the levels are represented by stars. Blue Star is up to 10 books, Green up to 20, Red up to 30, and Gold, is the 30+ level.

I think I might have already read 10 books from NetGalley. So I am hereby signing up for the Gold Star level.

Even if, back home in Cincy, Gold Star Chili was always the “other guys” to me.

About that “three-way”? Spaghetti, covered with Skyline chili, covered with shredded cheddar cheese. The taste of home.

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