Stacking the Shelves (19)

I must have been sick last week–except that I didn’t feel under the weather. Just overwhelmed. I have three fairly thick (and intense!) books to review this week for Book Lovers Inc and Library Journal, and I must have had an attack of common sense.

Or I didn’t see much that tickled my fancy. That was probably it.

I still couldn’t resist the Jacqueline Carey book, Dark Currents. I adore her Kushiel series. And Banewreacker/Godslayer is one I recommend to anyone who loves epic fantasy. But I just could not get into Santa Olivia, and I tried. I hope her take on urban fantasy works. I’ve heard mixed things so far.

I don’t do this often enough, but I want to thank Tynga at Tynga’s Reviews for hosting Stacking the Shelves. If you want to find out more about Stacking the Shelves, visit her official launch page.

Did you have a slow week, or did you add something awesome to your shelves this week?

For Review*:
The Constantine Affliction (Pimm and Skye #1) by T. Aaron Payton
For Love of a Goblin Warrior (Shadowlands #3) by Shona Husk
Night Thief (The Night #1.5) by Lisa Kessler
The Second Seduction of a Lady by Miranda Neville
To Hell and Back (League of Guardians #1.5) by Juliana Stone

Dark Currents (Agent of Hel #1) by Jacqueline Carey

(*All ebooks this week)

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