I knew that this week would make up for last week. I just didn’t realize how much!
Last week I said it was too early to see Christmas books on NetGalley. I spoke much too soon. This week, I saw eARCs on Edelweiss for books that are not scheduled for publication until March 2016! Too soon, too soon! Make it stop!
There’s one book on this list that I don’t think I can resist reading way early. That’s The End of All Things by John Scalzi. I love his Old Man’s War series, and I’m a bit sad that this will be the last book for a while. He’s promised to go back later, but this is it for the moment. The book is being released as a serial ebook right now, but I’ve discovered (see Monday’s review of Dissident) that I just don’t like the serial novel format. I need a beginning, middle and an end, even if it’s just a temporary end. This makes me doubly glad to have the entire End of All Things to chomp through at once. Which won’t stop me from buying a print copy the next time I see him and can get him to sign one. Maybe WorldCon?

For Review:
The Bourbon Kings (Bourbon Kings #1) by J.R. Ward
The Dark Forest (Three-Body #2) by Cixin Liu
The Devil’s Brew (Sinners #2.5) by Rhys Ford
Doctor Who: The Drosten’s Curse by A.L. Kennedy
The End of All Things (Old Man’s War #6) by John Scalzi
Gold Coast Blues (Jules Landau #3) by Marc Krulewitch
Gray Card by Cassandra Chandler
If You Only Knew by Kristan Higgins
The Kill Box (Jamie Sinclair #3) by Nichole Christoff
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
Part of Our Lives by Wayne A. Wiegand
Tequila Mockingbird (Sinners #3) by Rhys Ford
Tough Love (Ultimate #3) by Lori Foster
Whiskey and Wry (Sinners #2) by Rhys Ford
Wrath of the Furies by Steven Saylor