Stacking the Shelves (638)

Well, the blue/purples certainly reign supreme in this batch of covers, don’t they? And they are all so very pretty, too! Personally, I think that The God and the Gwisin, The Lady Sparks a Flame and The Love Remedy are vying for prettiest cover, but an argument could be made for nearly every book in the stack. Except maybe Marble Hall Murders and Space Brooms! Neither of those is exactly pretty, but I’m really, really curious about Space Brooms!, along with The Gravedigger’s Almanac.

The two I’m most looking forward to, like really a LOT, are Knave of Diamonds and Marble Hall Murders. I’ve loved the Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes series from its beginning with The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, and I always get caught up in the twists and turns of Horowitz’ Moonflower Murders series even though I’m not generally fond of any of the characters. We’ll certainly see how this one turns out in the months ahead!

For Review:
The God and the Gwisin (Fate’s Thread #2) by Sophie Kim
The Gravedigger’s Almanac (Leopold von Herzfeldt Case Book #1) by Oliver Pötzsch, translated by Lisa Reinhardt
Knave of Diamonds (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes #19) by Laurie R. King
The Lady Sparks a Flame (Damsels of Discovery #2) by Elizabeth Everett
The Lighthouse at the Edge of the World by J.R. Dawson
Marble Hall Murders (Susan Ryeland #3) by Anthony Horowitz
The Miniaturist’s Assistant by Katherine Scott Crawford
Never the Roses by Jennifer K. Lambert
Space Brooms! by A.G. Rodriguez
Whisper in the Wind (Fetch Phillips #4) by Luke Arnold

Borrowed from the Library:
The Love Remedy (Damsels of Discovery #1) by Elizabeth Everett

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