Tell your happy ending story!
The Happy Endings Giveaway Hop was organized by Reading Romances!
We saw the first Hobbit movie this weekend. And while I’m still wondering how Peter Jackson is going to get three! entire movies out of one rather slight book, I did enjoy it. Even if, or maybe because, a couple of the extended fight scenes looked like they belonged in video games. (I love a good video game!)
But about hobbits and happy endings. Or endings. In romance, we love a happy ending. The happy ever after is what we crave. But in stories, it’s not always the “right and proper” ending to the tale.
In The Fellowship of the Ring, when the hobbits visit Bilbo in Rivendell, many, many years after his adventures in The Hobbit, they discuss the ending of Bilbo’s book. Bilbo says that:
Books ought to have good endings. How would this do: and they all settled down and lived together happily ever after?
It will do well, if it ever comes to that, said Frodo.
Ah! said Sam. And where will they live? That’s what I often wonder.
What happens after the end of the story? Do they live happily ever after? In The Lord of the Rings, we find out. Evil is conquered, but the conquerors pay a high price. In the movie, we see the happy ending of one of the great love stories: Aragorn and Arwen.
In the appendices, we read the cost. The “Doom of Arwen”. Arwen gave up immortality to marry Aragorn. She lived 2,690 years before he was born, but survived him by less than a year.
We don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone. That’s an ending that gives me chills.
What you can win here: $10 Amazon Gift Card
Number of winners: 1
Open to (INT, US or US/CAN): US
How to enter:
There are lots of blogs participating in this hop, which means that there will be a lot of happy endings for a lot of winners. So hop on over to the other participants and see what sorts of happy ending stories everyone has to tell. Hopefully (hopfully) you’ll win a few!
I adore happy endings. I still remember this sort of gothic historical I read years and years ago. Ends with the hero sailing toward England with his child, cause the heroine DIED! I did not slog my way through pages of misery for that. So yes, rock on happy endings. 🙂
Pauline Baird Jones recently posted..googlecd20eb13f78687f0
My husband walked into my office to get a divorce. 22 years and 4 kids later we are still happily married!
Misspelled my name.
my favorite happy ending was meeting my favorite actor when he was doing live theater a week after loosing my granddad
thanks for the fun post and giveaway! Ummm… I always loved Aragorn and Arwen! I first read LotR when I was in 6th grade and I fell in love with that world. Still my fav couple to this day 🙂
My children growing up to be honest, hard working responsible adults is my happy ending.
Having two wonderful kids!
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
The best ending has been Rhett leaving Scarlett. I’m hoping the best ending ever will be Claire and Jamie in OUtlander series.
Jennifer Irving recently posted..2013 TBR PILE Reading Challenge
Me going 2 College after all my pumps,rough places & lemons throwed at my head..I still go onward 4ward..YES I CAN:D! thanQ
Mine! My love and I, being friends since kids and then in love 🙂
Gaby recently posted..Stacking the Shelves # 16
Right before Christmas I was having car trouble and thought I would have to get a different car I couldn’t afford but I got a second opinion and thank God I did b/c it wasn’t what they originally thought it was and ended up costing a whole lot less:)
thanks for the giveaway
my1lulabug at yahoo dot com
Tanya Childress recently posted..~FREE EBOOKS & MORE FOR YOUR SATURDAY~
My happy ever after happened in 1969 when my husband who was in the Navy during Vietnam found out just before Christmas that he was getting shore duty and asked me to marry him! I said yes and we were married three months later and this year we celebrated our 42nd Anniversay
Mine’s still a work in progress, but life is all about the process!
Finishing college was a happy ending for me.
Every day, I make it a point to have a happy ending.
Even when we’re tired and a bit worn out from the day, I like the end it on a happy note with some music, some ice cream, some tickle time with my two kids and a lot of me time with my romance novels. ^_^
The “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy always provides a happy ending! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
It was when my younger sister and I went to California for our second time but was our first visit to LA. Went there so see an international Korean boy band perform for their first time in the US. I’ll say I was happy to got to go and got to see them because we bought the tickets on my birthday ~and the fact that my sister cried over it, get us to go, paid by our loving parents. It was so much fun~ touring ( as in driving around) LA, Hollywood, Chinatown, Koreantown, and the beach~ Got to feel and see the beach and the ocean for the first time~! Wow, I can’t believe it was only a year ago. 🙂 Fun times~
I’m graduating this Spring too so that’ll be another beginning to something
My ex came back into my life after being apart for several years and that I would say is my happy ending.
Being Married to my High School Sweetheart, who happens to be my bestfriend, biggest supporter, hero, soul mate, father of our two boys, and all around great guy… He hates when i say mushy stuff like that but he is truly a great man and after 14 years together and going on 10 years of marriage he still makes my heart stop and causes me to have butterflies in my stomach.
Getting into the college I wanted.
Anna and the French kiss. Awesome! I won’t spoil the story in case u did not read it, but it is more than awesome indeed <3
In the personal department, when I got my kitten <3
Ana Death Duarte recently posted..Resenha de livro em inglês #5: Ten – Gretchen McNeil
Someone else said this, but getting into the college of my dreams! I mean hey, when you’re not very far into life, it’s a HUGE deal.
graduating from college
Pretty much anything by Lori Foster 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
There are some great happy endings in these comments! I think life being an adventure is a happy ending of sorts. How happy would it be if life were boring. Happy hopping and thanks for the giveaway!
Dana Mason recently posted..Happy Endings #Giveaway Hop #HEGiveaway
Anything by Nora Roberts. Her love stories are some of my favorites. 🙂
Cinderella…it’s a classic : )
I love Pride and Prejudice because they worked really hard for their HEA. Thanks for the giveaway!
Watching my kids make their dreams a reality.
I adore happy fav movie one was Sweet Home Alabama on the beach..sweet!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted..{Review-giveaway}: Trashy Chic by Cathy Lubenski
I’ve been married for 25 years so that’s been my happy ending
My HEA is still a work in progress — but it’s definitely all about the journey!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Married my high school sweetheart and have 2 great kids!
I know this sounds lame, but I just finished the Hunger Games trilogy and must say Peeta and Katniss ending up back together is a great HE!!
My hubby is my HEA. I was a friend of friend and we just clicked. We have been married almost 7 years now. Thanks for the giveaway.
my most recent happy ending has been getting my dream job in 2012. after 7 years of school and a million interviews, i landed the job. and i work with the best people in the world. thanks for the giveaway. HEA books are my FAV!!
pepperpenn42 at gmail dot com
Graduating from highschool.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Absolutely love Beauty and the Beast~ it’s my favorite HEA
Thank you for the lovely hop!
Pride and Prejudice 🙂
Being a mother. That’s my HEA. 🙂
Rescuing my pup was my happy ending story. Thanks!
I met my best friend when I was 24 and then I married him…10 years later and every day is still my happily ever after.
However, books I would say almost everything by Nicholas Sparks or A.L. Jackson. And Movies – I definitely love movies like The Notebook or Leap Year!
I think “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon! SO GOOD!
Love The Hobbit! How about Princess Bride?
Right now our happy ending is the doggy that “found” us this weekend when he came into the yard and the owners don’t want him. He is the sweetest dog ever!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Mine has been finding someone I love so much and having our daughter together 🙂
Sadly still single so no romantic happy ending but graduating from college was very happy… only one in my family to have gone!!
Thanks for the contest!!
book by lisa kleypas…devil in the winter is a very HEA for me…
chikojubilee at gmail dot com
Till now, I think finishing high school and getting into dental school 🙂
Ransom by Julie Garwood.
My favorite happy ending is my own! Of course, I haven’t had it yet since I’m still alive and kicking, but I am happily married so I know it is a forever thing 🙂
Tiffany Drew recently posted..Teaser Tuesday (68)
The Sword of Truth series is my favorite HEA.
One of my favorite HEA stories is Sweet Lullaby by Lorraine Heath. I first read it years ago and I still love it.
thompsonem3 at aol dot com
My Wedding Day!
Marrying my wonderful husband!
My most memorable HEA is watching my daughter graduate from High School and move across the country to pursue her dreams. She makes me proud.
Thanks for the great giveaway,
marrying my hubby
The movie Some Like It Hot comes to mind as a particularly memorable ending.
My favorite happy ending is the ending of Pride and Prejudice. It never fails to make me smile whenever I read/watch it 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
Farrah recently posted..And Then She Fell by Stephanie Laurens + Featured Freebie
My favorite HEA is marrying my husband. There’s a lot of love there, it has to last forever.
being proposed in a shopping mall
My favorite happy ending is in a book Anna and the french Kiss. Sweet book, sweet characters, sweet ending…
No real life happy ending but until then I enjoy them in books and movies 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite HEA is in the book Easy by Tammara Webber.
Pride and Prejudice is my favorite happily ever after!
still waiting for my happy ending
My aunt was jilted by her fiance. and later married someone else. Years later after she had been divorced for several years, my aunt was reunited with her former love. They had several happy years, before he passed away.
Marlene Breakfield recently posted..Review of For the Love of a Goblin Warrior
I love Sierra by Taylor Dean! Emotional and completely involving!
The story of my husband and myself, of course! And Pride and Prejudice 🙂
Getting into med school 🙂
I love the ending of Pretty Woman, it was so romantic. I’m glad this movie had no sequels or reboots, as it’s quite perfect that way.
I’m still working on my HEA. After being married for 18 years my husband asked for a divorce. We have 3 children and a grandson. I guess my HEA right now is that I will have my kids living with me and to be able to see my grandson grow up. Also going through a divorce I can finally start a new chapter in my life and I get to write it the way I want it to be. Then I will have my HEA. Thank you for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!
hm probably when i got my first job at Waldenbooks or when i became an aunt.
I love the Lord of the Rings and I loved Arwen’s and Aragorn’s HEA. I waited so long for that one.
Emily W. recently posted..Refuge INC. Series Blog Barrage
My HEA was traveling half way around the world on a working holiday and meeting my husband 14 days in to my trip. We have now been together 15 years, married for ten of those and have two beautiful daughters.
Kathleen Harris recently posted..Feature and Follow Blog Hop
Mine is my own, the day I met my husband 🙂