Stacking the Shelves (535)

This is a bit of an eclectic stack, particularly for being so short. I’ve had both Dual Memory and The Housekeepers for quite a while but the covers have just dropped. Also, in last week’s stack I included The Book that Wouldn’t Burn because I wasn’t sure whether the cover was final or not but figured that if I included it a final cover would be confirmed. Which turned out to be true so I’ve included the real cover here because it’s awesome.

I picked up Geometries of Belonging after finishing The Unbalancing this week because I really wanted more stories in the Birdverse – and there they all are! I grabbed My Roommate Is a Vampire because it just plain looks like fun!

For Review:
The Book that Wouldn’t Burn (Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
Dual Memory by Sue Burke
Hiss Me Deadly (Cat in the Stacks #15) by Miranda James
The Housekeepers by Alex Hay
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
A Right Worthy Woman by Ruth P. Watson
The Spanish Diplomat’s Secret (Captain Jim and Lady Diana Mysteries #3) by Nev March

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
Geometries of Belonging: Stories and Poems from the Birdverse by R.B. Lemberg

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Stacking the Shelves (534)

I’m not one hundred percent positive that the cover displayed for The Book that Wouldn’t Burn is the final cover. But I’m also not sure it’s not as it’s the one that’s been on both Amazon and Goodreads for several weeks. At the moment it’s the blandest bland, but it doesn’t say it’s not final, so we’ll go with it until something better comes along.

The book I can’t wait to start is Junkyard War by Faith Hunter to the point that I rushed through the end of the book I was listening to just so I could get it queued up over the weekend. I got into the series because the first book was Junkyard Cats and I was there for the cats. But I’ve stayed for Shining Smith and the harsh dystopia that made her and is trying to break her. And also for the cats.

For Review:
The Book that Wouldn’t Burn (Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
Devil’s Gun (You Sexy Thing #2) by Cat Rambo
Emergent Properties by Aimee Ogden
Flirting with Fire (Modern Love #3) by Jane Porter
The Jasad Heir (Scorched Throne #1) by Sara Hashem
March’s End by Daniel Polansky
Myriad by Joshua David Bellin
Nightwatch (Miranda Chase #12) by M.L. Buchman
The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
Something Spectacular (Something Fabulous #2) by Alexis Hall

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
Junkyard War (Shining Smith #3) by Faith Hunter (audio)

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Stacking the Shelves (533)

Looking at this list, I’m seriously trying to remember how it got to be quite so tall. Some of it is carryover because I don’t put titles in this post until I have something like a cover. After all, part of the point is to display the pretty cover. But it’s also clear that the holiday lull is very much over in the publishing world to the point that not just the spring books have ARCs, but even the stuff from fall is arriving.

Which leads to a couple of books in this stack that I’ve already been looking forward to, notably Contrarian by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. and Seven Girls Gone by Allison Brennan.

For Review:
And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Battle Drum (Ending Fire #2) by Saara El-Arifi
The Blighted Stars (Devoured Worlds #1) by Megan E. O’Keefe
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Capture the Sun (Starlight’s Shadow #3) by Jessie Mihalik
Contrarian (Grand Illusion #3) by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
The Evergreen Heir (Five Crowns of Okrith #4) by A.K. Mulford
The Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick
Masters of Death by Olivia Blake
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen (Doomsday Books #1) by KJ Charles
Seven Girls Gone (Quinn & Costa #4) by Allison Brennan
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston
The Sword Defiant (Lands of the Firstborn #1) by Gareth Hanrahan
The Wayward Prince (Daughter of Sherlock Holmes #7) by Leonard Goldberg
World Running Down by Al Hess

Borrowed from the Library:
Tempests and Slaughter (Numair Chronicles #1) by Tamora Pierce

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Stacking the Shelves (532)

A couple of weeks ago I discovered that I had a whole bunch Audible credits that were expiring on February 4, so I kinda bought my wishlist. I just hope that I have time to listen to all of them!

For Review:
The Air Raid Book Club by Annie Lyons
Ebony Gate (Phoenix Hoard #1) by Julia Vee and Ken Bebelle
Steel (Sentinel Security #4) by Anna Hackett
Welcome to Beach Town by Susan Wiggs
Wolfsong (Green Creek #1) by TJ Klune

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
A Broken Blade (Halfling Saga #1) by Melissa Blair (audio)
Cast in Conflict (Chronicles of Elantra #16) by Michelle Sagara (audio)
Cast in Eternity (Chronicles of Elantra #17) by Michelle Sagara (audio)
The Cradle of Ice (Moon Fall #2) by James Rollins (audio)
Daughter of the Moon Goddess (Celestial Kingdom Duology #1) by Sue Lynn Tan (audio)
Engines of Chaos (Age of Uprising #2) by R.S. Ford (audio)(preorder)
Fevered Star (Between Earth and Sky #2) by Rebecca Roanhorse (audio)
The Last Graduate (Scholomance #2) by Naomi Novik (audio)
Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments (Edinburgh Nights #2) by T.L. Huchu (audio)
She Who Became the Sun (Radiant Emperor #1) by Shelley Parker-Chan (audio)
The Swift and the Harrier by Minette Walters (audio)
The Unbroken (Magic of the Lost #1) by C.L. Clark (audio)

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Stacking the Shelves (531)

The stacks they are starting to get taller again. Now that the holidays are over it seems like the floodgates have opened. And isn’t it wonderful? (I also finally got covers for a couple of books I’ve had for awhile, so it’s great to see that logjam unjam as well.)

For Review:
All the Sinners Bleed by S.A. Cosby
The Book of Gems (Gem Universe #3) by Fran Wilde
The Faithless (Magic of the Lost #2) by C.L. Clark
Five First Chances by Sarah Jost
Happy Place by Emily Henry
I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai
Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan
Sea Change by Gina Chung
Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway
Translation State (Imperial Radch) by Ann Leckie

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
The Orphans of Mersea House by Marty Wingate
Shmutz by Felicia Berliner

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Stacking the Shelves (530)

Honestly, I have more new books than this. BUUUT, I’ve been waiting on covers for a few titles for at least a month now. Clearly nothing gets done over the holidays – and I totally understand!

Very much OTOH, one of the books on my Most Anticipated List has arrived. I’ve been looking forward to The Ghosts of Trappist since the previous NeoG book, Hold Fast Through the Fire, came out two years ago. If you like military SF-type space opera the series is simply marvelous! So if you haven’t yet read A Pale Light in the Black or Hold Fast , you’re in for a treat. Just as I am now that The Ghosts of Trappist is here!

For Review:
The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter
The Bride Wore White (Burning Cove #7) by Amanda Quick
The Garnett Girls by Georgina Moore
The Ghosts of Trappist (NeoG #3) by K.B. Wagers
The House on Prytania (Royal Street #2) by Karen White
The Seaside Library by Brenda Novak

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
The Clerk’s Tale (Geoffrey Chaucer Mystery #3) by M.J. Trow

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Stacking the Shelves (529)

I was expecting a short stack this interstitial week between Xmas and New Year’s and that’s certainly what I got. When I had a regular day job where I had to be at work this week I always had grand plans for just how much I was going to get done with so many people out for the holidays. But the reality was that it turned out to be a quiet and relaxing week – even at the office. The lack of new books or cover art for books whose ARCs are already out leads me to believe that scenario still holds true.

Still, I have plenty to read to kick off the new year with, so a short stack is welcome.

Happy Holidays to you and yours and here’s hoping for a safe, happy and healthy New Year for everyone!

For Review:
A Disappearance in Fiji by Nilima Rao
Evergreen (Japantown Mystery #2) by Naomi Hirahara
A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson

Purchased from Amazon/Audible:
The Cloud Roads (Books of the Raksura #1) by Martha Wells

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Stacking the Shelves (528)

I was expecting this week and next week to be slow on the book front so I’m rather surprised that I have so many book “presents” to share with you this Christmas Eve – which is also the sixth day of Hanukkah. I still think that next week is going to be not so much a “Silent Night” as an entire silent week as far as new books are concerned, but we’ll see. With the actual holiday days being on the weekends fewer people may have days off this week than usual.

But whatever you celebrate, Happy Holidays to you and yours and a safe, happy and healthy New Year!

For Review:
The Cleaving by Juliet E. McKenna
The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries (Emily Wilde #1) by Heather Fawcett
Not of This World (Gideon Sable #4) by Simon R. Green
Remember Me (Ravenswood #2) by Mary Balogh
Scarlet (Scarlet Revolution #1) by Genevieve Cogman
A Thousand Recipes for Revenge by Beth Cato
The Wager by David Grann
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

Purchased from Amazon/Audible/Etc.:
The Gingerbread Cat by Stephanie Osborn
In the Shadow of Lightning (Glass Immortals #1) by Brian McClellan (audio)
Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People edited by Andrea D. Lobel and Mark Shainblum (Kickstarter)

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Stacking the Shelves (527)

And, we’ve reached that time of the year when the stacks wind down to almost nothing. I actually have few more books than this – although not many – but their covers haven’t been revealed yet so there’s nothing pretty, or interesting, or pretty interesting, to show.

Speaking of pretty and interesting and covers not being revealed, the most interesting cover this week is City of Last Chances. This one is also interesting because I’m not 100% positive whether this is the US cover or the UK cover. The prettiest cover – or at least the most tempting – is The Last Drop of Hemlock. And then there’s The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies which is a book I picked up because that title is simply irresistible. We’ll see if the book lives up to its title in the OMG YEAR ahead!

For Review:
The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies (Ill-Mannered Ladies #1) by Alison Goodman
City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Dragonfall (Dragon Scales #1) by L.R. Lam
The Duke Gets Even (Fifth Avenue Rebels #4) by Joanna Shupe
The Last Drop of Hemlock (Nightingale Mysteries #2) by Katharine Schellman
The Skeleton Key by Erin Kelly
Striker (Sentinel Security #3) by Anna Hackett

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Stacking the Shelves (526)

I picked up Unbound II because there’s an Ink & Sigil story in it by Kevin Hearne. It’s the origin story for “Gladys Who Has Seen Some Shite” and I’ve been terribly curious about just how she got that name. Now I know. I also picked up The Last Unicorn because it looks like I’m going to be reviewing The Way Home by the same author which includes two Last Unicorn novellas. I’m sure I read The Last Unicorn at some point, by that point was probably 50(!) years ago and I don’t remember a thing. It would probably help the review if I did. At least a bit.

For Review:
Blade of Dream (Kithamar #2) by Daniel Abraham
Infinity Gate (Pandominion #1) by M.R. Carey
Spring’s Arcana (Dead God’s Heart #1) by Lilith Saintcrow
Twice Cursed edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane
The Way Home (Last Unicorn #2) by Peter S. Beagle

Purchased from Amazon/Audible:
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Unbound edited by Shawn Speakman
Unbound II edited by Shawn Speakman

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