Welcome to my last and final post for 2021! It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of 2021, yet another year where I plan to stay up to make sure it’s over.
This is also my annual post looking forward at the books I’m anticipating the most in the New Year. Although this post is part of @KimberlyFayeReads Top 10 of 2021 I’ve never pretended to only be looking forward to 10 specific books in a coming year. I’m not even embarrassed at having the number inch up every year, although I’ll have to stop eventually as it’s starting to get unwieldy to say the least!
So this is my “22 for 2022” post, along with a bit of a look back at what I thought I was looking forward to this time last year vs. what I actually ended up reading. It turns out that out of last year’s list of 21 books, I didn’t quite get the “round tuit” for 5. There’s one I know I’ll get back to for certain, it just wasn’t quite the right book at the right time when I picked it up. Two of the others are possible but I’d have to be in the right mood and I clearly wasn’t. Some of 2020’s doldrums continue. And two I started and they just weren’t my jam and probably won’t rise back up the virtually towering TBR pile. So many books, so little time, c’est la reading vie and all that.
And now we turn to the year that begins, OMG, tomorrow. Or in the wee hours of tonight.
The books on this list are from series I’m in the middle of, authors I’m familiar with, or both. Because that is the way. I’m already invested and I want more of the same. Or in one case, I’m still dealing with the book hangover from the last book in the series so I’m clinging to that world by my reading fingernails. (I’m looking at you, Jade Setter of Janloon.) Not that I won’t read plenty of new-to-me series and authors as 2022 goes on its merry way. I’m just not anticipating those books nearly as much.
Drumroll please!

Aspects by John M. Ford
Babel : Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of The Oxford Translators’ Revolution by R. F. Kuang
Back to the Garden by Laurie R. King
Councilor (Grand Illusion #2) by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
The Discord of Gods (Chorus of Dragons #5) by Jenn Lyons
Fevered Star (Between Earth and Sky #2) by Rebecca Roanhorse
Fires of Edo (Shinobi Mystery #8) by Susan Spann
The Grief of Stones (Cemeteries of Amalo #2, Goblin Emperor #3) by Katherine Addison
Hiss Me Deadly (Cat in the Stacks #15) by Miranda James
The Jade Setter of Janloon (Green Bone Saga #0.5) by Fonda Lee
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
Last Exit by Max Gladstone
Lightning in a Mirror (Fogg Lake #3) by Jayne Ann Krentz
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments (Edinburgh Nights #2) by T. L. Huchu
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (Monk & Robot #2) by Becky Chambers
The Sacred Bridge (Leaphorn, Chee and Manuelito #25) by Anne Hillerman
A Sunlit Weapon (Maisie Dobbs #17) by Jacqueline Winspear
The Unkept Woman (Sparks & Bainbridge #4) by Allison Montclair
Warrior of the Wind (Nameless Republic #2) by Suyi Davies Okungbowa
When Blood Lies (Sebastian St. Cyr #17) by C.S. Harris
When She Dreams (Burning Cove #6) by Amanda Quick
Thanks for yesterday’s look back and today’s look ahead lists. Lots of good books to catch up on/look forward to. Bookwise, 2021 was a pretty dismal year, both in terms of quantity and quality, so I’m hoping for better in 2022!
Best New Year wishes to you and your family (including the fuzzies).
2021 was just weird. Period. The cartoon of the cat knocking it off the shelf at midnight feels pretty accurate. There were some good books, but so much got postponed or caught in the supply chain mess. But even a mediocre year reading is better than being present in all the moments.
Best wishes to you and your family, whether two-footed or four, as well!
Marlene Harris recently posted..Stacking the Shelves (477)
I was really disappointed in Isolate and am not sure if I will bother with the next one in the series. It’s a shame as I love Modessit usually. Definitely looking forward to some of the others though.
Isolate had a VERY slow start. I think I was in the mood for a dense political story when I picked it up because I liked it a lot, obviously, but it didn’t have even as much action as the Imager books. I have such mixed feelings about Discord of Gods. I want to find out how the saga ends, but I don’t want the saga to end. I still can’t believe this series is her debut because it’s just so damn awesome.
Happy Reading in 2022!
Marlene Harris recently posted..Stacking the Shelves (477)