Stacking the Shelves (579)

I keep playing with these stacks because I keep expecting that one of these holiday week stacks is going to be empty – and then what? But so far, there’s always been something. Actually, there are a couple more somethings than are showing here because there are some books coming up next spring that may have ARCs available but whose cover art just isn’t ready yet.

The book on this list I am absolutely more looking forward to is People in Glass Houses by Jayne Castle. I love her, well her and her alter egos Amanda Quick and Jayne Ann Krentz, and their combined Arcane Society/Harmony ‘verse. The Harmony books in particular are always a treat because I love good SFR and it’s among the best.

I’m also looking forward to, albeit with some trepidation, Funny Story by Emily Henry. The first book of hers that I read was Book Lovers, and I loved it, so I picked up Happy Place, which was good but I didn’t fall into my own happy place nearly as much. I’m wondering where Funny Story is going to fall on that spectrum. We’ll see.

For Review:
The Fall of Waterstone (Black Land’s Bane #2) by Lilith Saintcrow
Follow the Stars Home by Diane C. McPhail
Funny Story by Emily Henry
A Matter of Class by Mary Balogh
Mirrored Heavens (Between Earth and Sky #3) by Rebecca Roanhorse
People in Glass Houses (Harmony #17) by Jayne Castle
Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland

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