Sip Sip Hooray Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Sip Sip Hooray Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

This hop is all about the drinks of summer. You know what I mean, the cold glass with the condensation dripping down the side, just full of the icy, thirst-quenching goodness of whatever means SUMMER! to you.

Living in the South, sweet tea is a LOT of people’s drink of choice. I do love iced tea, but prefer it unsweet. Or at least the doctor prefers that I drink it that way!

If I’m in the mood for something with a bit of a kick, hard cider is still my drink of choice. I never did like beer all that much – and now that cider is more readily available that’s what I’ll pick if it’s an option. Hard seltzer’s not bad either, but I really enjoy the crisp sweet-tartness of a good cider – apple or otherwise.

What about you? What’s your favorite summer libation, sweet or spiked or both or neither? Answer in the rafflecopter for a chance at the usual prize, the winner’s choice a $10 Amazon Gift Card or up to $10 in Books.

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For more thirst-quenching prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Christmas in July Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Christmas in July Giveaway Hop, hosted by Review Wire Media!

There’s a saying about cats, that they want to be in when they’re out, out when they’re in, and vice versa, AND simultaneously. Humans are like that about the weather.

When it’s cold we want it to be hot. When it’s hot we want it to be cool. And sorta/kinda both, which is how Christmas in July came about. The weather is warm, the nostalgia about the holiday is cool – and the Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments for the year arrive around July 25.

Christmas in July is far, far, FAR from a serious event, but ANY excuse to give and receive presents is a good one. So, what sort of tchotchkes would you like to receive in your Xmas in July stocking? Answer in the rafflecopter for your chance at a $10 Amazon Gift Card or a $10 Book to put inside that stocking!

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For more seasonal, or at least seasonal-ish prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Sparkle Time Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Sparkle Time Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

For this hop a couple of years ago, we were just back from a conference and we both had the plague – otherwise known as COVID. This time around, we’re on our way home today and don’t know whether the usual “con crud” will turn out to be COVID or not. We’ll certainly find out in the days ahead.

Speaking of those days ahead, one of the days ahead this week is the July 4th holiday. The humans will probably set off fireworks all weekend, and the animals will mostly be pissed off and quite possibly piss on something their owners wish they hadn’t. C’est la vie.

While we’re not particularly looking forward to the random booms half the night we certainly are looking forward to the holiday – even if that means more time reading while staying inside where it’s air conditioned.

What about you? What are you most looking forward to this Independence Day and the hot days of July and August to follow?

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For more sparkly prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Summer 2024 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the SUMMER 2024 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop, hosted by It Starts At Midnight and Versatileer!

Once upon a time, this was the Month of Books Giveaway Hop, now it’s the Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop, with the hops starting on the days the seasons change. Today is the first official day of Summer even if it feels more like the height of the season – at least in temperature – where you are right now. The ATL is having a normal summer so far, which means hot and muggy a lot of the time, but the Midwest is getting hammered with the kind of high temps that we don’t even get around here until July.

Whatever the weather, the question this season is the same question it’s always been for one of these particular hops. What book or books are you most looking forward to this season?

I’m never looking forward to just one thing when it comes to books. Here are a few that are at the top of my list for this spring of 2024:

Blood Jade by Julia Vee and Ken Bebelle
The Dallergut Dream Department Store by Lee Mi-ye
The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman
The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark
Guard the East Flank by M.L. Buchman
The Mummy of Mayfair by Jeri Westerson
The Price of Redemption by Shawn Carpenter
Requiem for a Mouse by Miranda James
The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons
A Vengeful King Rises by Sophie Barnes

What about you? What books are you most looking forward to this season? Answer in the rafflecopter for your choice of either a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in books so you can get one or two of the books on your list!

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For more scrumptious summer prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

Early Summer Giveaway Event

Welcome to the Early Summer Giveaway Event hosted by Versatileer!

This is Reading Reality’s first time participating in one of Versatileer’s Amazon/PayPal Giveaway Events, but they look like a blast! It’s a different kind of giveaway, in that the hosting participants put into the big cash prize and get LOTS of entries in the big rafflecopter for it, while the rest of us get one free link, maybe host our own giveaways as I’m doing, and get in on the fun and the traffic and provide an opportunity for our own followers.

Also, and thank goodness, Versatileer is flexible about hopping on, just as they are for the Season of Books Giveaways that they host, making it easier for us bloggers and giving more opportunities for everyone to get in on the action. (Meaning that this event started over the weekend but I’m posting it here today and glad of it.)

To sweeten the pot a little, first there’s a giveaway here at Reading Reality:
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Second, and even more important, come one, come all to the Early Summer Giveaway Event! Be sure to visit the co-hosts and ALL the participants in this hop to get the most chances at the BIG PRIZE!

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Moms Rock Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Moms Rock Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

I looked back at my post for this hop for the past couple of years and it’s all still true! I really can’t imagine my mom even in the vicinity of that guitar. My mom was a teenager, and in high school, during World War II, so rock and roll wasn’t yet here to stay. She was amazing in a whole lot of ways, but anything that would have involved that ax just wasn’t among those ways.

But I know plenty of moms who would definitely be able to rock that guitar. But even moms that don’t rock absolutely do rule!

Whether or moms are still with us or not, or whether the people who occupy that place in our lives are our moms by birth or adoption or by love alone, they still have mom things that they do that no one else does ‘right’. I still miss my mom’s vegetable beef barley soup, and my grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies. I have the recipes for both, and I’ve even made them a time or two. IT’S JUST NOT THE SAME!

What about you? If you’re a mom, what’s your best ‘mom thing’? Or if you didn’t go that route or haven’t yet, what’s the thing you remember that your mom just did THE best?

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For more fabulous prizes for you or your mom, please visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Come What May Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Come What May Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

This particular blog hop could be about absolutely anything, couldn’t it? It’s right there in the name, “Come What May!”

So it could be, “May the 4th Be With You”. It could be Cinco de Mayo. It certainly could be all about Mothers’ Day – although there’s a hop later in the month that’s a bit more defined in that regard.

And it could be my personal favorite, “The Lusty Month of May”, the song from the play (and movie) Camelot.

What do you first think of when May pops into your head? Answer in the rafflecopter for your chance at Reading Reality’s usual hop prize, the winner’s choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in Books!

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If you’re looking for more May prizes to come your way, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Rain Drops on Roses Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Rain Drops on Roses Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

I have an earworm from this hop, one I plan on sharing. That phrase “Rain Drops on Roses” is from The Sound of Music, specifically it’s the opening line for the song, “My Favorite Things.”

I’ve shared. Sorry, not sorry. The duration of an earworm is inversely proportional to the number of people it’s shared with. So the more of you who catch it, the shorter I’ll have to put up with it. At least that’s my hope – because damn they’re persistent!

Still, there’s a potential reward for you for having this particular rather charming song stuck in your head. As per usual, I’m giving away the usual Reading Reality hop prize of the winner’s choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in books. All you have to do is tell us what one of YOUR favorite things might be!

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For more of everyone’s favorite things – PRIZES – be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Blogo-Birthday Birthday Book Celebration and #Giveaway!

It’s snuck up on my again. Today is my 67th birthday.

Today is also “First Contact Day” in the Star Trek Universe, which is fitting as I’ve been a fan since I first watched the show with my dad as it was originally broadcast. To paraphrase another ‘verse, that’s a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The past is another country, and they do things differently there.

Referring to another fandom I fell into at about the same time, I’m having a Hobbit birthday, meaning that I’m giving away presents instead of getting them. (Galen and I aren’t doing presents this year, as we’re rolling all of this year’s presents into a later trip, but I did finally get myself a set of AirPods.)

Spring has officially sprung, and 2024 is one quarter over. Meaning that enough reading has happened here at Chez Reading Reality to make a giveaway of my favorite books of the year so far a VERY reasonable possibility.

So I’ll be giving the winner’s choice of one of my favorite books this year so far to one lucky commenter on this post. I’m going to be a bit loosey-goosey about it this time around, because 1)all the books in the Barker & Llewelyn series have been Grade A books so far, so this is another bite at that apple, and 2)two of this year’s bests are book two in their respective series so if you haven’t read the first book yet it will also be available.

This giveaway is open internationally. If the winner is in the US, the books will be shipped from Amazon or your local bookshop if you have one that can handle this business over the interwebs. But if the winner is outside the U.S. and not in one of the other countries where there’s a ‘zon outpost, books will be sent from Wordery, which ships worldwide for free.

The list to choose from is (drumroll, please):

The Bell in the Fog by Lev AC Rosen
The Bezzle by Cory Doctorow
The Black Hand by Will Thomas
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Demon Daughter by Lois McMaster Bujold
Gryphon by M.L. Buchman
The Hellfire Conspiracy by Will Thomas
Holmes, Marple & Poe by James Patterson and Brian Sitts
The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older
The Lantern’s Dance by Laurie R. King
Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen
The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi
Mastering the Art of French Murder by Colleen Cambridge
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire
The Missing Witness by Allison Brennan
Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart by Izzy Wasserstein
The Truth of the Aleke by Moses Ose Utomi
What You Are Looking For Is In the Library by Michiko Aoyama

I went diving a bit deeper in order to pick multiple genres to make sure there’s something on this list for everyone, but clearly it’s been a very murder-y, fantasy, SF-y year so far. So if I’ve missed your favorite genre and there’s a book you’re dying to read, I’d be happy to share that with you (up to $25 US) instead.

Just let me know in the rafflecopter what book you’d most like to have your very own copy of, from my list or yours, in whatever format suits you best. Someone is going to get very lucky, at least reading-wise!

This post ends this Lucky 13th Blogo-Birthday Celebration Week. If you haven’t checked out the rest of this week’s posts, there’s been a giveaway every day, so be sure to enter any and all that look like your jam.

Next year – OMG it’s wild to be talking about NEXT year when it seems like this year has barely begun – the Celebration will take place the week of March 31-April 5. Come one, come all, and be sure to come back over the year between to see what fabulous books and fantastic giveaways happen in all the months between now and then!

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A+ #BookReview: The Black Hand by Will Thomas + #Giveaway

A+ #BookReview: The Black Hand by Will Thomas + #GiveawayThe Black Hand (Barker & Llewelyn, #5) by Will Thomas
Format: ebook
Source: purchased from Amazon
Formats available: paperback, ebook, audiobook
Genres: historical fiction, historical mystery, mystery
Series: Barker & Llewelyn #5
Pages: 289
Published by Touchstone on July 1, 2008
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsitePublisher's WebsiteAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBookshop.orgBetter World Books

When an Italian assassin's body is found floating in a barrel in Victorian London's East End, enquiry agent Cyrus Barker and his assistant Thomas Llewelyn are called in to investigate. Soon corpses begin to appear all over London, each accompanied by a Mafia Black Hand note. As Barker and Llewelyn dig deeper, they become entangled in the vendettas of rival Italian syndicates -- and it is no longer clear who is a friend or foe.

My Review:

So far, at least, the Barker & Llewelyn series is a bit like a caper movie. Not that Cyrus Barker and his assistant Thomas Llewelyn are committing capers – their job is to either thwart or investigate such goings-on. Instead, just like a good caper movie, the story opens at a climactic moment and then rewinds to the beginning of the story we’ve just been dropped into the middle of so we can see how things came to such a desperate pass.

As those climactic moments are generally life-threatening, and specifically threatening to the life of Thomas Llewelyn, it’s a good thing that we go into that pulse-pounding scene knowing that Llewelyn must have survived. After all, part of his job as private enquiry agent Cyrus Barker’s assistant is to chronicle Barker’s cases – and dead men tell no tales.

The tale that Llewelyn has to tell this time around is the story of a brewing turf war among London’s criminal underbelly. There’s a new player in the old game of gangs and turf and money, but a new player under a very old and familiar name – the Sicilian Mafia.

Muscling for territory in wide-open London with their signature stilettos against native gangs and older immigrant groups who rely on fists, brickbats and other coshes to get their dirty work done, the incomers cut a wide swath, literally, through the forces scrambling to array against them.

Including both Scotland Yard and the Home Office, which is where Barker and Llewelyn get dragooned into the fight. A fight that Barker most certainly did not start, but is utterly determined to finish – no matter how many favors he has to call in, how many compromises he has to make, or how many of his own hostages to fortune he has to put in harm’s way.

Escape Rating A+: There are three – well, at least three – things going on in this book, and every single one of them just adds to the reader’s compulsion to keep turning the pages, starting from that chilling, riveting opening.

The first thing, of course, is the case itself. The Mafia – or at least one arm or finger of that organization – is doing its damndest to carve out a toehold for itself in London – by carving up as many as possible until they get their way.

Barker’s remit – to be handled however he sees fit – is to make London so hot for the Sicilian gangs that they go back to Sicily, before their brand of bloody assassination becomes the norm in London.

But just because Barker has carte blanche from the Home Office, that doesn’t mean they’ll provide him with anything else, and certainly not any of their own forces. They don’t even want Scotland Yard involved but have left Barker to do things as he sees best. After all, they can always blame him for whatever goes wrong after the fact.

He sees best to call in a whole lot of favors, which means that the reader, through Thomas Llewelyn’s eyes and pen, gets to learn a whole lot more about who Barker really is under the persona he has created for himself, where he comes from, and who and what he holds dear. As well as how many rules, regulations, laws and ethics he is willing to bend if not outright break to see this thing through.

Those revelations rock Llewelyn to his foundations but don’t change his mind one single bit about following the man he refers to as ‘the Guv’ anywhere he leads – even into the jaws of hell.

So, there’s the case. Then there’s the deeper dive into Barker’s secrets – a set of revelations that should continue as the series progresses.

Last but not least there’s the resonance to the now in this story that is very much steeped in the ‘then’. Because while the case may be about the Mafia, what’s behind their advent into London is a debate about immigration and immigrants and just how easy or difficult it should be and just how much enforcement is necessary and which way and upon whom the economic impacts have and will fall.

And doesn’t all of that sound bloody familiar?

I’m here for all of the above, but even if just one part of that appeals to you, the fully realized historical setting, the whodunnit, the network of ‘Irregulars’ that Barker and Llewelyn are developing, Llewelyn’s continued training, OR the way that the past links to the present, this series is utterly fan-damn-tastic every single step of the way.

The deeper I read into this series, the better it gets. Each book in the series has been tight, taut, thrilling and compelling, all at the same marvelous time. They’ve just been awesome so far, and I can’t recommend the whole thing highly enough – although I plan to keep trying. I also, of course, plan to keep reading, and suspect that it won’t be long before I pick up the next book in the series, Fatal Enquiry.

~~~~~~ GIVEAWAY ~~~~~~

Because I’ve enjoyed this series so much so far, it was an obvious choice for one of this week’s Blogo-Birthday giveaways – especially as the latest book in the series, Death and Glory, is coming out later this month!

Drumroll please! On this third day of my Blogo-Birthday Celebration, today’s giveaway is the winner’s choice of ANY book in the Barker & Llewelyn series in any format, up to $25 (US) which should be enough to get even Death and Glory if you’re already caught up!

Good luck with today’s giveaway and remember that there’s more to come!

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